Nick's Blog

July 2, 2011

A flash drive’s a flash drive’s a flash drive! Or is it?

Filed under: Technology in the classroom — nscinta2 @ 10:56 AM

I go through hot and cold spells with technology. Sometimes I want the latest and greatest and other times I’m happy with what I have and enjoy the benefits of any gadget.

Some people may argue flash drives are getting more and more outdated, and will eventually be left in the technology cemetery, along with floppy discs (both small and large) and cds (eventually). After all, there’s dropbox, email, ipods, and smart phones. Some would readily argue there are many devices on the market that can do the same thing as a flash drive. While this is true, I argue the lack of needing to be plugged into the internet gives the flash drive a serious advantage over other devices. Sure, there are workarounds to flash drives, such as email, etc., but the simplicity of a flash drive is what will keep them around for the long haul.

Picking the perfect flash drive varies from person to person, but it can be especially difficult if you’re a number cruncher, like myself. Which one is the fastest? Which one is the cheapest? Which one is the most reliable? Which is the most cost-effective? Will all flash drives fit on my key chain? Do I want a flash drive on my key chain? Nobody wants to have all of their files in one place, so I am not recommending getting a flash drive as a single place to house data, BUT they are cheaper than ever and if you can afford a few flash drives, then back up the same data on both. What are the odds that they will both “die” at exactly the same time?

As for finding the right flash drive, you could always do a google search, or just click the links below. (I already did a few searches). My personal favorite is the last one on the list, the Corsair Survivor, because I have one of these and it is durable. Unfortunately, it cannot fit on my key chain as it is too large. Hence, my continuous search. I may try a fast one, but I’m afraid it will be too large to fit on a key chain as well. The search continues.

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